Toyland Tales - Level Design & Puzzle Ideas

Project Name: Toyland Tales

Date: 6/9/2024

My name is Eduardo Lemus, and I am in charge of Level Design. In this Post, I will talk a little about the work I have done in these last two weeks, which consists of how I built the level, the positioning of important places within the level, and the ideas of the puzzles that the player will have to solve.

# Blockout

The first thing to mention is the Whitehouse/Blockout issue:

The level consists of a Daycare and has several areas, some of which serve as decoration, such as the shelf area, and others that are important areas and in which the player can explore them, such as the sofa area, the pillow area, among other areas. One of the points to highlight is the difference is the distribution of the areas, since the game will be linear, with an already established route but which ensures that most of the level is explored, visiting all the important areas but also giving a look at the entire Daycare and appreciate the details found in it. Each area of the game is small/medium in size, but it can be considered large in certain areas due to the player's perspective, embodying a game that must travel through the Daycare to complete its mission.

A detail to highlight is the change in positioning of certain areas or the elimination of them. Some examples of these are the pillow area, which was located at the bottom of the level in the Blockout, but the final version is in the upper right, or the elimination of the keyboard area, which In the Blockout it is located in the upper central part of the level, but this was removed from the final version. These changes are due to the change in the concept of the game, since originally the player was supposed to be able to explore the level freely, but in the end it was decided that the player follow an established route to complete the level, or the change in the conception of some puzzles, such as the keyboard puzzle, which was going to have a different purpose, but in the end that purpose was modified.

# Puzzle Ideas

To start talking about the different challenges and puzzles that the player will have to solve throughout the level, let's first talk about how the player will begin his adventure:

The starting point of each player's game will be the pillow area, to which the player must simply follow the pre-established route to reach their first challenge.

The second area of the level is the sofa area, where the player will find his first challenge, which consists of a small maze made up of blocks, wooden cars, and bouncing balls, in which the player must find the exit that is located on the opposite side of the sofa to be able to advance to the next area, which will be the work area, where under one of the tables for the children there will be a boss that the player must defeat.

The next area and the second challenge that the player must face is the colored tile puzzle, which consists of tiles of different colors and in which there is a route that the player must follow without making a mistake, in which case the If the player steps on one of the incorrect tiles, they will be returned to the beginning of the puzzle and forced to start the challenge from scratch.

The third and final challenge that the player will face will be the keyboard puzzle, which underwent some changes from its original idea. In both the first version and the final version the concept was to play the keys on a toy keyboard in the correct order to overcome the challenge. The change it received was the "Reward" that the player receives, since in the first version the keyboard made a ladder appear, which the player could use to reach a place inaccessible to the player by conventional means, but in the final version the reward is that the keyboard will break a wall made of blocks, which will give access to the block castle and a battle against a boss, which the player must defeat to continue advancing.

Normally, at the end of each puzzle, the player will obtain an object, which is a piece of a toy, which the player must obtain to be able to assemble a new toy in the recreational area and thus be able to achieve the main objective of the main character.

Get Toyland Tales : A Quest for a Mended Heart

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