Toyland Tales: Mastering Textures: Prop Design

Over the past week, our team has poured heart and soul into enriching the Toyland Tales map with various props. Working in the daycare area has been an absolute blast! I've focused on filling the space with bright, vibrant toys, infusing it with a playful, youthful spirit. I have worked my way around with many models and textures, Starting with the main focus of the character art.

I set out to infuse each of these robots with distinct personalities and a touch of life; they're all so uniquely different in their own right. Take Chelsee, for example—her pink exterior radiates a playful charm as she rolls around, delighting the daycare kids with her cuteness. Then there's Rubble, the weathered red robot sporting a worn tin look that suggests he's a longtime fixture of the daycare, overlooked perhaps because he's still functional. Lastly, ROB exudes a mature aura, almost like the esteemed leader among all the daycare robots, commanding respect with his presence. 


Rubble: The weathered red robot, sporting a worn tin look that suggests he's a longtime fixture of the daycare, is overlooked, perhaps because he's still functional.
ROB: Exudes a mature aura, almost like the esteemed leader among all the daycare robots, commanding respect with his presence.
Chelsee: Her pink exterior radiates a playful charm as she rolls around, delighting the daycare kids with her cuteness.

This week, we aimed to imbue the daycare with a lively ambiance, as if the children had just stepped out momentarily. I've textured four backpacks for the little ones, each one telling a unique story. Even without seeing the children themselves, you can sense their personalities and interests through these backpacks, each one a testament to the vibrant lives that fill our daycare map.

This vibrant toy train is set to be a standout feature in our daycare. It is designed to captivate players and draw them eagerly toward its colorful charm by the end of their amazing journey around the daycare.

Clombo Train

Get Toyland Tales : A Quest for a Mended Heart

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